As a person with ADHD this is a GREAT question. For those of you not wholly familiar with some of the lovable quirks that come with being a card carrying member of the attention deficit disorder family, let me illuminate. One of the biggest or let’s say more consuming aspects of being an ADHD’er is the trouble with SLEEP. My god! My kingdom for a week of solid, consistent, deep, tranquil sleep. I can’t even fathom what a well slept life could look like.
I can tell you what an unwell slept life does. I usually try to get myself to bed at a reasonable hour and at the same time each night. But each evening is like playing grab bag. It’s a toss up between insomnia, restless half sleep tossing and turning, or waking up in the middle of the night to twiddle one’s thumbs until dawn and every so often a good old fashioned night of the good deep restful stuff just so we can know what we’re missing.
Which leads us to Act 2. The wakey wakey eggs and bakey. Because ADHD seems to operate by the rules of Murphy’s Law, generally around the time one’s alarm is about to pop off, you will find yourself drifting off to a deep, tranquil, restful, luxurious, sleep state that is nigh impossible to wrench oneself from. So getting up consistently and on time is a herculean task.
Which begs the question, what does get us sleep disordered chappies out of bed in the morning? What keeps us from fingering the snooze until early afternoon? And my answer is as corny as it is true. I leap out of bed whether well slept or not if I’m working on a project that inspires and excites me. Good design work keeps me engaged and in hyper focus mode from day in and out and even activates my get up and go come morning. It’s a blessing and that which drives me to keep my work interesting, varied and challenging.
That’s why I’m a one stop shop from logos, colors, and branding to strategy and digital to websites and social. I even squeeze in video editing and infographics to keep it extra interesting. It’s the novelty and quest for originality that keeps me in the throes. A well designed life worth living or something like that.
And how about you? What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Image is courtesy of Gaelle Marcel via Unsplash.